Home Among the Gum Trees

This Australia Day, I set myself a challenge to write a brief overview of my ancestors who made us who we are today, fair dinkum true-blue Aussies. Some came of their own accord, paying for their passage, while others were sent here courtesy of the British Government and whom we now call Australian Royalty! This... Continue Reading →

Going to the Chapel – Sarah Darling

The blog prompt for week 23 in the 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks "Going to the Chapel" could really be written about any of our ancestors who married in a church or chapel. However, Sarah Darling whom I've chosen for this blog, married in the Office of the District Registrar at Champion Bay (Geraldton, Western... Continue Reading →

A Convict Story – Samuel Mansell

I dropped the ball last week when life got a busy. So here I am with another resurrected blog post and this time for the blog prompt "military". I've chosen my husband's Great Grandfather, Samuel Mansell to be the 21st Ancestor. Also, it is a timely blog post as we launch the Convict Tracks of... Continue Reading →

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